First and foremost, a hearty congrats to our Spring Super Bowl Winners: D6 Chiefs, D7 Steelers, D8 Buckeyes, D9 Bulldogs, D10 Eagles, D11 Rams and D12 Tribe.
In case you missed it, we also gave out Spring Season Performance Awards, which were voted on by the coaches. They were:
D6 – MVP: Jackson Bell; Defensive Player of the Year (DPOY): Nico DiCorpo; Spirit Award: Jackson Isreali; Coach of the Year (COY): Murray Lebouf
D7 – MVP: Benji Young; DPOY: Jebby Terry; Spirit Award: Beckham Evers & Charlie Hanlon; COY: Joel Santos
D8 – MVP: Harrison Cornehl; DPOY: Cruz Castillo; Spirit Award: Cecillia Corvalan; COY: Basil Etifia
D9 – MVP: Jed Rosenfeld; DPOY: Gil Garay; Spirit Award: Erik Frederiksen, Aviana Hardcastle & Sebastian Iglesias; COY: Nate Harrington
D10 – MVP: Dillon Poliner; DPOY: Landon Madison; Spirit Award: Edmond Dalton; COY: Chris Snyder
D11 – MVP: Brady Grow; DPOY: Vann Jackson; Spirit Award: Marty McGinity & Arturo Gomez; COY: Steven Sawalich
D12 – MVP: Isaac Lulich & AJ McBean; DPOY: Jonah Maycon; Spirit Award: Evan Fukushima; COY: Steve Lulich
We also gave our end of year awards:
BCS Hall of Fame – Class of 2022: Colin Benner, Cody Collins, Kingston Davies, Matthew Fine, Kole Fitzl, Johnny Gosser, Nathan Horta, Lucian Iglesias, Ethan Jahavery, Archer Johnson, Knox Kiffin, Isaac Lulich, AJ McBean, Wyatt Nucci, Hunter Sleeis, Tyler Smildzins, Alexander van Fossen and Brandon Warren.
Iron Man Award winners: Isaac Lulich and Hunter Sleeis
Alumni Award Winner Patrick Sodl (signed to play football at Columbia University in the Fall). Read his impressive bio here.