MCHS is currently without a webmaster, so there have been some issues with sign up for the camp. However – they wanted everyone to know DAY OF SIGN UPS ARE ACCEPTED ($125).
Here’s some info for those who have or are planning on signing up:
The camp begins at 9am, on June 24. In order to expedite the registration process, could you please provide the following information about each participant.
1. T-shirt size. (youth/adult, small, med, large, extra-large)
2. Medical insurance information. cross/policy number.
3. Physician’s name and phone number.
4. Contact person and phone number.
5. Photos of the camp will be taken. If you have an objection to your son/daughter being photographed, please indicate your objection.
Note: Lunch time supervision WILL be provided. Campers to bring their own lunch.